Finding the Roots of the Contemporary Problems of Tehrān Based On the Philosophical Hermeneutic Approach

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD Candidate in Urbanism, School of Urbanism, College of Fine Arts, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

2 Professor, School of Urban Planning, College of Fine Arts, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

3 Associate Professor, School of Urban Planning, College of Fine Arts, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran


Background: Today, Tehrān has many problems and we have named the most serious of them as the tribulations. These tribulations create conditions that pose a serious threat to the life and identity in Tehrān. So, the need to think about these tribulations and finding their roots has emerged.
Objectives: The present study tries to answer this question: what is the root of the contemporary problems in Tehrān? To address the tribulations of Tehrān, at first a philosophical framework was considered to address it through overviewing these tribulations and reviewing the related literature. Then, using the qualitative interpretive-hermeneutic method, based on the semi-structured in-depth interviews with experts, the roots of Tehrān's tribulations were discussed. The purpose of this method was not merely to provide an understanding of the interviewees, but to realize a shared understanding between the researchers and the interviewees.
Method: The data were analyzed using the open and axial coding techniques, and based on the hermeneutical circle.
Result: The results showed that the main category influential on the contemporary tribulations of Tehrān is "the human behavior" which according to the rule of the hermeneutical circle is strongly influenced by the economic, cultural, social, educational, and intellectual contexts.
Conclusion: The human behavior is the central category and it is the cause of the contemporary tribulations of Tehrān, it is itself dialectically influenced by the mentioned contexts and also influential on them. Based on such teaching, the results of this research have been formulated.


Despite the fact that the roots of the urban problem are complex and interconnected, the results of the paper shows that human behavior as the deep root of Tehran problems dialectically influenced by the contextual situation in various aspects like social, economic, educational, and intellectual etc.


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