Publication Ethics


Ethical Principles of Urban Planning Journal


"This publication respects the rules of ethics in publications and is subject to the rules of the ethics committee in Cope publishing and follows the executive regulations of the Law on Prevention and Combating Fraud in Scientific Works"

The ethical policies of this journal are based on the principles of the International Committee on Publishing Ethics (COPE) and compliance with the ethical charter of publications of the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology, to which this journal is also committed. Authors, reviewers, scientific secretaries, and editors should observe the principles of scientific ethics in cooperation with this journal. The journal adheres to the standards of the COPE charter in the ethical principles of publication.


violations of ethical principles:

  • Plagiarism: Plagiarism is deliberately using someone else's articles or ideas in your name. Even using another person's sentence or your previous sentences without mentioning the source is considered theft. All transcripts sent to this journal are reviewed by plagiarism software.
  • Falsification: Falsification occurs when you conduct research but change the data and results or you interpret the results of other people's research with your perspective.
  • Fabrication: Fabrication is when the researcher does not conduct a study but presents data and conclusions
  • Simultaneous submission: when a transcript is submitted to two journals.
  • Improper attribution of another author: All authors listed in the article must have contributed to it.
  • Manipulation of sources: when several sources are mentioned in the final part of an article, while they are not mentioned in the content of the text.
  • Resubmission of the article rejected in the refereeing: The articles that have been rejected according to the opinions of the referees are not allowed to use the results of the refereeing and resubmit to the urban planning journal.
  • Scientific rent: It means that the authors employ another person to do the research and after the end of the research, they publish it in their name with little interference.
  • Unreal attribution: It means the unreal attribution of authors to an institution, center or educational or research group that did not have a role in the original research.