Furtherance of infill development of cities by people-oriented strategic management model

Document Type : Theoretical Articles


Assistant Professor, Department of Geography and Urban Planning, Kowsar University of Bojnourd


Furtherance of infill development of cities by people-oriented strategic management model
Developing process of cities of the world exclusively in developing countries after industrial revolution has faced cities with lots of major challenges and instability of urban environment. Some of these problems are scattered, desultary unban growth and unstructured, horizontal expansion of cities which raised traffic, energy consumption and pollution causing social isolation and facelessness.If urban management have a proper model for urbanization and urban development patterns, it will definitely respond to these growing problems, thus in the context of postmodernism paradigms and a urban sustainable development, infill development strategy has drawn the attention of many urban planning engineers. The infill development in cities seek fill of gaps in the city within.
In I.R.Iran that share urban and rural population between 1941 to 2016 is contrary from 31.5 per cent to 74 percent have physical changes such as expansion of cities and merged or dissolve villages in cities space and swallowing agricultural lands and gardens in periphery cities
This research with purpose of clarifying endogenous and exogenous development patterns is looking for approaches to connect social affairs with somatic structures using desk research and analytical descriptive research in order to find an appropriate response for the question of "what is the most sustainable conceptual model for urban sustainable development?"

The results show that people's participation plays an important role in substructian, mainstreaming and processing of infill development of cities and connection of these 3 components could facilitate councils, organizations and agencies to create an integrated management system.
However moving toward infill development is essential for reaching a sustainable development but difficulties such as lack of appropriate somatic capacities in triple urban fabrics, nonchalance of private corporations in investing and lack of governmental agricultural lands are the major obstacles and the first step to ascertain this is executing development motivating projects by the government.
Keywords: sustainable development, scattered development, urban sustainable development, strategic management, development model
