Defining the Conceptual Framework of Community-Led Urban Regeneration Based on Training in the Historic Zones

Document Type : Original Article


1 Associate Professor, Urbanism Department, Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism, Tabriz Islamic Art University

2 PhD Student, Urbanism Department, Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism, Tabriz Islamic Art University, Tabriz, Iran


During the evolution of the urban regeneration approach, paying attention to social participation has led to the formation of community-led urban regeneration. Social participation can improve social capital, sense of place and responsibility to place through community-led urban regeneration process. Since sufficient knowledge and skills are needed for individuals to participate in the process of local development, it seems that their lack of social participation in the aforementioned process is due to the lack of required education. With the aim of explaining the relationship between education and urban regeneration as well as determining the role of education in the process of community-led urban regeneration, this study utilized qualitative analysis and content analysis method to review the theories, statements, and international declarations and charters to compose the community-led urban regeneration through education. In order to determine the aforementioned relationship, the main objective addressed the effect of social education on the process of community-led urban regeneration. Based on a review of the existing theories and experiences, three approaches were identified: the establishment of higher education institutes in the target neighborhoods, public and fair access to educational facilities, and social education of the residents in the target neighborhoods. The results of the study showed that employing a participatory approach as a planning paradigm would lead to the success of urban regeneration projects. The important point is that social training and social education are not only means to achieve urban regeneration objectives but those should be considered as executive tools to increase the residents' participation. In addition, based on this concept, training is conceived as an enabling, empowering, capacity-building, and institutionalizing means for the residents that raises their awareness and leads to social participation. In fact, it can sensitize the residents to their environment and increase their responsibility toward upcoming development of their neighborhood.


Main Subjects

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