Evaluation of the pedestrian-friendly projects (Case study of sidewalks)

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor, Faculty Member of Department of Geography and Urban Planning, Faculty of Geographical Sciences, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran.

2 MA in Urban Planning at Islāmic Āzād University (Science and Research Branch), Tehrān, Irān


The importance of the pedestrian areas has diminished with the dominance of modernism and the overwhelming adaptation of the design of the city, commensurate with the ride and as the time passed, the pedestrians lost their status and priority in the urban spaces. Also, zoning policies and the separation of the urban functions and uses during modern urbanization have led to the loss of dynamism and life of the cities. The purpose of this study was to evaluate and understand the challenges and issues of the pedestrian construction projects before, during and after their implementation in Shohadā Blvd. (Qhiyām square to Shohadā Square) of Boroujerd city. According to the research objectives, it was applied, and according to the research method, it was a descriptive-analytic study. The research data were both qualitative and quantitative which were collected using the questionnaire and they were analyzed using the Pearson's Chi-squareTest. Findings indicated that the lack of unified, independent and centralized management, ambiguity and uncertainty among the urban managers regarding the necessity and importance of the adaptation of information system for the timely informing the residents and users or neglecting the local participation, are the most important challenges facing the adaptation projects before their implementation. The problems caused by daily business activities, especially pedestrian traffic with multiple stops during the implementation of the project and the lack of staff or any person responsible for the maintenance of the equipment are the most important challenging components while and after the implementation of the projects.


Main Subjects

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