Meta-Analysis of the Relationship between Urban Form and Energy: A Review of Approaches, Methods, Scales and Variables

Document Type : Review Article


1 Department of Urban Planning, Faculty of architecture and Urban Planning, Qazvin Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qazvin, Iran

2 Department of Urban Design and Planning, Faculty of Art and Architecture, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran

3 Department of Urban Planning, Faculty of Fine Arts, Tehran University, Tehran, Iran


During the recent years, considering the current crises about the climate change, energy consumption and the environmental contaminants through carbon emission, the relationship between the urban form and energy in the cities has attracted the attention of many scholars from various disciplines. The extension of this area leads to the multiplicity of interpretations and various studies and also measuring the relationship between the urban form and energy using different variables and methods at different scales and approaches. The aim of the present paper was to compare and analyze the employed variables, methods and models at the different scales and approaches through reviewing a total number of 119 articles. Reviewing the articles which were published between 1974 and 2019 in this field reflected the fact that these studies have dealt with the relationship between urban form and energy in seven general categories: 1.The urban form (with emphasis on the building or one of the urban form indicators, especially density) and energy, 2. The urban form (with emphasis on the land use), 3. The urban form (with emphasis on the transport), 4. The urban form (with emphasis on the combination of the building and transport sectors) and energy, 5. Urban form and its relationship with the climate change, heat islands, thermal comfort and sustainability, 6. Urban form and thermal loads, and 7. Urban form and energy management, or planning and energy policies. Finally, in spite of the variety in the used approaches, methods, measures and variables, common and deductible challenges and opportunities were presented. The results indicated that the topic of the relationship between the urban form and energy could be studied with an integrated and dynamic viewpoint, beyond the single-disciplinary approaches, scales and methods.


Main Subjects

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