Analysis of the Position of the Social Capital in the Regeneration of the Historically Worn-Out Fabrics of Imāmzāde Yahyā Neighborhood, Using the Structural Equations

Document Type : Original Article


1 Phd Student/Depatment of Urban Planing/ Faculty of Art and Architecture / Science and Research Branch /Islamic Azad Univercity/ Tehran/Iran

2 Associate Professor, Department of Urban Planning, Faculty of Civil, Architecture and ‎Art, science and research branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

3 Associate Professor,Depatment of Urban Planing, Faculty of Art and Architecture , Science and Research Branch ,Islamic Azad Univercity, Tehran, Iran

4 Associate Professor, Depatment of Urban Planing, Faculty of Art and Architecture, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad Univercity, Tehran, Iran


One of the fundamental problems in the process of regeneration of the worn-out fabrics of today's cities is the lack of attention to the application of the concept of the social capital as one of the potentials of the neighborhood. The importance of the social capital in the process of regeneration is tangible, because the interventions in the worn-out fabrics is most often carried out in the spatial  context of the neighborhood, but this element is usually neglected. The purpose of this researchwas to develop a framework that not only introduces the social capital indicators involved in the regeneration of the worn-out fabrics and the related measures, but also assesses them in the Iranian native situation and the historical Emāmzādeh yahyā neighborhood. It was a quantitative study, using the strategies such as the logical, comparative and correlational reasoning. According to the research method, it was a descriptive-analytic study, and according to the data collection procedure, it was a library and field work (survey). To analyze the data, structural equation modeling and LISREL software were used. After completing the theoretical studies using the direct observation and interviews, the efficiency of the measures in Emāmzādeh yahyā neighborhood was examined using the items of the questionnaire. Findings indicated that the indicators of trust, norms and social values as the dependent variables of the participation were effective in the regeneration of this neighborhood, the social solidarity was not influential, and the social capital in Emāmzādeh yahyā was effective on the regeneration with a correlation coefficient of 0.93.Finally, there was some suggestions to improve the realization of the goals of the regeneration by the social capital.


Main Subjects

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