Evaluate and Analyze the Status of Good Urban Governance Indicators (Case Study: Genaveh City)

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD Student of Urban Planning, Department of Urban Planning, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, Dubai Branch, Islamic Azad University,,United Arab Emirates,

2 Professor of geography and urban planning, Faculty of geography, university of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

3 Associate Professor of Architecture, Department of Architecture and urban planning, Faculty of Architecture and urban planning , Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University ,Tehran ,Iran


Background: The existence of issues and problems due to the rapid growth of urbanization in the country and the impossibility of managing urban society with existing traditional tools and methods, has doubled the need to change the way of managing and administering cities. This change can be achieved using a good urban governance approach.
Objectives: The purpose of this study is to evaluate and analyze the status of good urban governance indicators in Genaveh.
Methodology: The research method is descriptive-analytical and in order to collect information, documentary and field methods and questionnaire tools have been used. The statistical population of the study consists of citizens of Genaveh city including 73472 people. The sample size was distributed through Cochran's formula of 384-people by simple random sampling method. According to the theoretical foundations of research and previous studies, research indicators include: participation, efficiency and effectiveness, political stability, access to information, social justice, responsibility, community-centeredness and legality. Data analysis was performed using SPSS software and T-Test sampling, analysis of variance and multivariate regression.
Results: The results of T-Test-sampling show that among the indicators examined, the worst situation is the access and information index with an average (2.34) and the participation index with an average (2.78) has the highest score. Efficiency and effectiveness index with average (2.72), political stability index (2.38), social justice index (2.64), legality index (2.73) and community-oriented index with average (2.37) are also lower than the moderate (3). In order to explain the effect of good urban governance indicators in explaining citizen satisfaction, variance analysis was used.
Conclusion: Based on the results, 55% of the changes in good urban governance can be explained by the linear combination of independent variables (eight dimensions of governance). Also, the results of regression showed that there is a significant relationship between the level of satisfaction with the eight dimensions of the governance index and the final satisfaction with good urban governance at a level of 99% confidence. The overall average of good governance indicators in Genaveh is not lower than the average and also is not in good condition.


Presenting a model of good urban governance in the city of Genaveh.

Helping to improve the urban management system of Genaveh and establishing justice in urban areas and providing solutions to promote the economic power and economy of the region as a commercial-economic hub.


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