Urban Third Places; Scene of Creating Social and Recreational Society Hangouts in the Community, Case study: A Comparative Study of Cafes in Regions 1 and 4 of Urmia City

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Urban Planning, Faculty of Architecture, Urban Planning and Art, Urmia University, Urmia, Iran

2 Faculty of Architecture, Urban Planning and Art, Urban Planning Department, Urmia University, Urmia, Iran


Background: Nowadays, the third urban places is a place to emanate informal life versus official life. Urban cafes include as one of micro-social phenomena, modern and intellectual space and part of third urban places, urban spaces are considered beyond the place of living and working, which emphasizes dynamism, vitality and they provide the desired efficiency of space, a platform for sustainable social interactions, the active presence of citizens and the formation of social life.
Objectives:The present study, with applied purpose and descriptive- analysis nature tries to use Oldenburg's idea in library documents to make comparative study of cafes in regions 1 and 4 of Urmia city from the perspective of a compatible and suitable scene for recreational and social hangouts.
Methodology: Methods used in analyzing research data, using document selection methods, field identification and stratified random sampling and the use of Shannon and Mabac entropy techniques to weigh the components and ranking the proposed regions.
Results: Based on the analysis of research data and according to the findings, the "personality" indicator in region 1 of the Urmia has the highest level of desirability and compatibility. Also, the indicator of "comfort and tranquility" has a good situation in region 1 of the city. In addition, the indicators of "place of recreation and leisure" and "dynamics of local and indigenous interaction" in the 4th region of Urmia, respectively, have the most unfavorable situation among other indicators.
Conclusion: The results of the analysis indicate that the of regions 1 of Urmia city with increasing and significant development in physical, social, quality of space and cultural dimensions, had more favorable conditions in improving and creating third urban places (cafe) and reproduction of recreational and social hangouts of urban society.


Emphasis on the realization of the goals of democratic civil society and strengthening the informal life of citizens following the emergence of widespread changes in attitudes to social and cultural issues.

Redefining the concept of "Third Urban Place" and determining the desired hangout of urban community of Urmia from the point of view of social and recreational cafes.


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