Application Analysis of Transfer Development Right (TDR) Approach for Conservation Historical Textures (Case Study: Urmia Historical Texture)

Document Type : Original Article


1 Master of Urban Planning, Faculty of Architecture, Urbanism and Art, Urmia University, Urmia, Iran

2 Assistant Professor in Department of Urban Planning, Faculty of Architecture, Urbanism and Art, Urmia University, Iran


Background: Historical textures are the main and important components of cities that have unique historical and cultural values. Today, cities are witnessing the loss of this precious heritage through unconventional construction without regard for cultural and historical values. In order to prevent the destruction of these texture, it is necessary to use an effective and practical method.
Objectives: The main purpose of the present research is to analyze the mechanism of TDR approach as a protection method and feasibility study of its use to protect the historical context of Urmia.
Methodology: The research is applied research in terms of purpose and descriptive-analytical research in terms of nature. Theoretical foundations of research were obtained through documentary-library studies and to investigate the study area, the criteria for determining the areas of sending (protection) and receiving (development) were extracted and using Delphi and AHP methods, the importance of the criteria was determined and then using GIS software, the zones of sending and receiving were determined and prioritized. After that, by compilation and design a program for transfer development right, planning has been done in the designated areas.
 Results and Conclusion: The results indicate that the TDR approach by identifying areas susceptible to development throughout the city of Urmia and the transfer of development rights of historical texture owners to these areas and if the basic building density is 120 percent and the development right ratio is 20% to 80%, it will be able to execute and protect the historical texture of Urmia and is a reliable way to protect this texture.


Although the Transfer Development Right (TDR) approach is not a new approach in developed countries such as the United States, where it originated, but this method is a new approach in developing countries such as Iran, which can be used to protect important and valuable areas exposed to damage due to destruction, especially historical texture in cities.


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