Sensory Richness Analysis Using Sense Walking and Sensory Notation Techniques (Case: Shiraz’s Azadi Park)

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant professor, Department of Urbanism, Faculty of Art, university of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran.

2 Postgraduate student of Daneshpajoohan Higher Education Institute, Isfahan, Iran


Background: City and urban spaces due to the gathering place of people and having social interactions, play an essential role in shaping social life and community identity. The perception of these spaces is the result of human sensory experience of the environment; which perceived through multiple sensory channels such as vision, hearing, smell, taste and touch. The vast and profound sensory experience of all senses is referred to as sensory richness. The quality of the environment is measured by various parameters, one of which is sensory richness. The dynamics and acceptance of any urban space can be seen in the extent to which people use it. As places look more like each other, today's urban spaces are in senses isolation. Paying attention senses richness in designing, has the potential to provide a distinct place experience for individuals. Azadi Park is one of the active gardens in the city of Shiraz which in addition to having positive spatial elements, accommodates a wide range of negative spatial elements which affects the decline of sensory richness. The first effective action is recognition and recording of various sensory stimuli that can be remedied with a comprehensive view of the deficiencies in order to solve this problem
Objectives: This study aimed to reveal the importance of sensory richness in urban spaces, its determinants and sensory richness analysis in Shiraz Azadi Park.
Methodology: The method used in this study was descriptive-analytical. The modified version of sensory notation technique and sensory richness sensory analysis in Shiraz Azadi Garden were analyzed and evaluated to achieve the desired result after studying the theoretical foundations and introducing the criteria of sensory richness evaluation.
Results: The findings of this study show that the part of urban spaces that has been able to engage more feelings of citizens, has created a more complete experience of space in people's minds; As a result of this experience, citizens will be more aware and enjoy the space. The findings of this study indicate that the effect of sensory components in the garden is moderate, and no attention has been paid to the stimulus elements of all senses in its design and it has a negative impact on people's experience and perception.
Conclusion: Therefore, focusing on the components of all senses is a desirable way to improve the sensory richness of this garden.


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