Exploration of changing conceptual attitudes in the city in the context of epidemic diseases from the perspective of urban design and planning

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Urban design , Art university, Tehran, Iran

2 Department of Urban design , Art university, Tehran, Iran


The Disaster Risk Reduction Management Process aims to strengthen community resilience, a range of theoretical concepts and practical measures in terms of planning policy and control at three stages before, during, and after disasters. Cities, as centers of demographic, economic, and social concentration, are periodically involved in some pervasive crises. This paper examines the prevalence of Covid 19 virus from different perspectives, expresses the necessary actions and changes in conceptual attitudes to the city to control and adapt to new conditions. For this purpose, referring to the scientific texts related to urban planning and design in the global discourse after Corona's arrival and its adaptation to the current conditions of urban planning and design in Iran, global policies have been deduced and extracted and its validity in Iran is also discussed. For this purpose, by searching for keywords related to the research topic in reputable scientific and research websites and in the time period (2019-2020) related to the onset of the virus outbreak until its completion, up to 50 scientific articles were reviewed and explored. The basic concepts were extracted and expanded. After exploratory and analytical review, the relationship between the components was measured and integrated analysis in the form of procedural and substantive concepts related to urban planning knowledge was reviewed and reviewed. Based on research findings, cities with extended open spaces in public realms, with transparent spatial data management systems and participatory actions related to the temporal analysis of events, have better opportunities to implement urban planning and design ideas in the management of epidemics. Openness, transparent, participatory cities are better equipped to manage epidemics than other cities. After the Corona era, new spatial-temporal concepts of mixing real-virtual environments in workplaces and living spaces, new spatial compositions of public arenas in the activity system, and scenarios sensitive to the time of disease development. The qualities that provide the ability to separate in the system of activity and movement and access through the combination of layers of natural and artificial environments in the hierarchy based on time-flow management-based of functions, also activity and movement will make tangible changes.


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