The Role and Position of Historical Cultural Values and Capabilities in the Laws and Policies of Urban Protection in Iran

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Art and Architecture, Payame Noor University (PNU), Tehran, Iran

2 Professor, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, Islamic Art University, Tabriz, Iran


Background: Statement of Problem: Prior to the constitutional, expansion and protection in Iranian cities had a traditional and ritualistic process, and matters related to them were based on principles derived from experience, but with the beginning of reform movements, attitudes toward the city changed; The formation of the National Consultative Assembly and the enactment of the Municipal Law is a turning point in the new concept of the city; In the new definition, laws are an important urban tool and act as a support arm for the development and protection of the city. It seems that the formation of law in Iranian cities has been able to eliminate some shortcomings to some extent, but their adaptation to cultural-historical values shows that the implementation of these laws in many cases have not been in line with historical cultural values.
Objectives: The purpose of this study is to investigate the extent to which the enactment of these laws and regulations has been in line with cultural-historical values and whether their adoption has been able to manifest developmental and cultural values in the body of the city?
Methodology: The current research is a basic-theoretical research and the research method is interpretive-historical in which qualitative analyzes and arguments have been used to conclude.
Results: In this study, first the approved laws and policies in the field of urban protection were studied and adapted to the obtained cultural-historical values and capabilities, and the role and position of historical cultural values in different periods and approaches of urban intervention were identified and all analyzes are in line with the hypothesis.
Conclusion: The research findings show that there is a need for a difference between historical cultural context and the other urban contexts, however old or ancient; And second, the rules and regulations for intervention in valuable contexts must be based on values and designed to manifest values in the present; Third, the rules and regulations of the intervention should be reviewed in accordance with the current needs of each community.


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