Evaluation of physical indicators affecting livability

Document Type : Original Article


1 Ph.D. Student in Geography and Rural Planning, Department of Geography and Rural Planning, Rasht Branch, Islamic Azad University, Rasht, Iran

2 Professor, Department of Geography and Rural Planning, Rasht Branch, Islamic Azad University, Rasht, Iran

3 Assistant Professor, Department of Geography and Rural Planning, Rasht Branch, Islamic Azad University, Rasht, Iran



Background: Increasing urban population and decreasing rural population due to declining desire to continue living in these places has led many researchers to look for a suitable solution, to study the two principles of sustainable development and quality of life. In the meantime, the livability that is necessary to achieve these two principles has received much attention. The best people to study livability are the villagers and the most tangible is the physical dimension .For this reason, the present article evaluates the physical indicators affecting livability.
Objectives: The present article is in terms of practical purpose and seeks to identify and evaluate the physical indicators affecting livability in the villages of Lahijan city (23 villages).
Method: The research method is descriptive-survey. The required information has been collected with the help of documentary data and preparation of checklists (census and Hadi plan) and field data and preparation of questionnaires (Dehyar and heads of households). The methods used are Copras and linear regression.
Result: After conducting studies, 5 components (housing, transportation, services, tourism and land use change) and 71 variables were identified, which were examined for their effects on livability after indexing steps.
Conclusion: The results show that in the study area, the housing index was the most effective and the tourism index was the least effective indicators on livability. Also, with the help of Copras technique, the studied villages were ranked based on the use of physical indicators and it was found that Bazkiagorab and Sustan villages had the best and worst ranks, respectively. Finally, with the help of regression analysis, it was found that the selected physical indicators are effective on viability in the study area.
Objectives: The present article is in terms of practical purpose and seeks to identify and evaluate the physical indicators affecting livability in the villages of Lahijan city (23 villages).


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