Explaining the Effective Factors on Regional Competitiveness with Spatial Planning Approach in West Azarbaijan Province

Document Type : Original Article


1 Urmia University

2 Professor of Geography and Urban planning, Urmia University

3 urmia university


Competitiveness has a great impact on regional growth and development, this approach seeks to identify the root factors that influence the development of a region and estimate its effectiveness in order to achieve sustainable regional development. The need to achieve competitiveness and to know the strengths and weaknesses of the regions requires the use of a comprehensive program such as land development.Azerbaijan Province It is one of the big industrial, mining, agricultural and tourism hubs in the northwest of the country,Using the principles of land surveying and regional connectivity can play a significant role in the export of competitive goods and removing the obstacles to achieving the maximum efficiency of the capabilities of this province in order to achieve sustainable development.Factor and cluster analysis methods were used to measure regional inequalities, determine the final score and level the development of the regions.In the next stage, using Topsis and Metaswot software, the capabilities of the regions were evaluated and solutions and strategies were presented for regional competitiveness. Urmia city is ranked first due to factors such as the high level of entrepreneurship and business sectors, research and development of technology, human capital, and production capital.Yes.The second place is Mahabad, Naqdeh, Bukan, Mako,Khoi cities, the reasons for that are high innovative activities and the skills of the research and development workforce.The cities of Piranshahr, Miandoab, Selmas, Takab, also in the third place and the cities of Shahindej, Sardasht, Ashnoye,Chaldaran, Chaypare, Poldasht, Shut are in the fourth place. goods and services with an average score of 6.50 and the factor of creating the necessary conditions to attract the participation of people and the private sector in operation and management is 6.2 and the lowest score is related to the factor of targeted support for the export of goods and services in proportion to the added value with a rate of 0.7Among the external factors, people's tendency to invest in the private sector, mechanized agriculture, being adjacent to the Aras commercial-industrial free zone, and creating potential tourism centers are the most appropriate. It is for sustainable development based on land use in the province


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