Recognizing the components of indigenous housing from livability perspective: (Case study: Amlash city)

Document Type : Original Article


1 Ph.D Student, Architecture Department, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

2 Professor, Environment Design Engineering Department, Faculty of Environment, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

3 Assistant Professor, Architecture Department, Faculty of Architecture and Art, University of Guilan, Rasht, Iran

4 Associate Professor, Urban Planning Department, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.



Background : In today’s world where the indigenous architecture has faded and the urban fabrics have taken a different modern form, the subject of livability focuses on quality of life, sustainability, quality of place and healthy community.
Objectives : The purpose of this study is to identify the components and achieve solutions to improve the livability with respect to the structural elements of indigenous housing.This article examines the native buildings of Amlash city, as valuable examples in Guilan province. The research question is:What effect do the indigenous housing elements have on livability? What features can enhance the livability of contemporary housing?
Method: The native architecture Amlash city has been studied and its impact on livability with descriptive-analytical method. The content framework of the research is based on Rapaport's views on the influence of the architectural form of culture.
Result: In the studies, the objective and subjective characteristics of livability have been discussed.Findings show that the livability of indigenous housing is affected by elements and spaces of this architecture,which is evident in case studies.According to the results of this study, we can point to the characteristics of livability observed in the architecture of houses in Amlash, including the compatibility of the physical structure of the house with the surrounding environment, providing comfort and convenience, sense of place and identity, residents' satisfaction, and quality of life that generally emphasizes on the mental characteristics.
Conclusion: According to the results of this study, the qualitative characteristics of the livability of indigenous housing have been proposed for contemporary housing by providing some measures to achieve appropriate quality.
Highlight: Vitality in addressing the challenges facing citizens means a prosperous, vibrant and responsive future that provides the right quality of life.
This requires the achievement of three goals: vibrant communities, a dynamic economy, and a sustainable environment


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