Evaluation of influential indicators in the regeneration of tourism in Rasht city

Document Type : Original Article


1 Associate professor, Department of Geography and urban planning, Faculty of Literature and Human Sciences, University of Guilan, Rasht, Iran

2 Masters degree, Department of Geography and urban planning, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, University of Guilan, Rasht, Iran



Introduction: Nowadays, urban regeneration is a global issue, and in a broad way, having an effective urban regeneration program has become one of the most important solutions for all cities in the world. Urban regeneration, as one approach of sustainable urban development, aims to increase the economic, social, physical and environmental performance of cities and can help the goals of a sustainable city from various aspects. Today, urban tourism is proposed as an approach to urban regeneration, and it is mentioned as an influential factor in urban development, and it is referred to as tourism-oriented urban regeneration. Tourism-centered urban regeneration, by planning basic concepts such as the use of innovative economic areas, reaches the basic point that it is possible to approach the effects of urban tourism in the inner tissues and central cores of cities, with confidence in the results of the regeneration process. And its positive features are beneficial. This approach respects yesterday's body and adds new structures in harmony with yesterday's structures to this composition and provides content and functionality whose superstructure is a cultural and social flow and its infrastructure is a completely economical and efficient mechanism. Such a view leads to a kind of convergence in the goal and means of urban regeneration. In this research, tourism regeneration was investigated in 5 functional-physical, aesthetic, environmental, economic and socio-cultural indicators. The purpose of this research is identifying and evaluates the tourism regeneration indicators of Rasht city.
 Methodology: This research is descriptive-analytical and practical in terms of purpose. The method of collecting information is documentary and survey. A questionnaire with a 5-point Likert scale )very low, low, medium, high and very high( was used to evaluate the influencing indicators in the regeneration of Rasht city. The indicators of the questionnaire were obtained by studying the theoretical foundations and it includes 5 indicators )functional-physical, aesthetic, environmental, and social-cultural( and it consists of 52 items, each of the indicators includes functional-physical with 16 There are 8 aesthetic items, 11 environmental items, 8 economic items and 9 socio-cultural items. 384 questionnaires were distributed among the citizens of Rasht city in order to achieve the research results and evaluate the indicators of tourism regeneration. The validity of the questionnaire was checked with the opinions of the professors, and its reliability was obtained using Cronbach's alpha of 0.912, which indicates the good reliability of the questionnaire. The obtained data were entered into SPSS software and analyzed with binomial non-parametric tests and exploratory factor analysis. Smart-PLS software was also used to evaluate the impact of each index on each other.
Results: According to the analysis of completed questionnaires, the aesthetic index has the highest average (3.01) and the environmental index has the lowest average (2.61). In the aesthetic index, the feeling of liveliness and attractiveness in the public spaces of Rasht city has the highest average (3.51) and the beautification of urban walls in Rasht city has the lowest average with 2.55. This index and its items show how important the quality of tourist destinations and their hosts can be in terms of aesthetics in tourism development. This issue is very significant in Rasht city because of the high acceptance of tourists by the local people, a variety of night and day uses, safe and beautiful places and streets, attractive shopping centers, etc. Also, in the functional-physical index, the item of the effect of tourism's physical space on the interaction of Rasht citizens has the highest average (3.39) and item 4, sufficient density in the special tourist spots of Rasht has the lowest average (1.97). In the environmental index, the reduction of natural resources with a value of 3.18 has the highest average and the quality of surface water collection in Rasht city with a value of 2.07 has the lowest average, which is because of the high amount of rainfall and not very suitable infrastructure. It is justifiable. In the economic index, the business boom in Rasht city because of the increase of tourists has the highest average value of 3.35 and the night economy in Rasht city has the lowest average value with 2.44 values. In the socio-cultural index, the importance of historic places in Rasht city. With a value of 4.14 has the highest average, and the success rate of urban management in reducing poverty with a value of 1.78 has the lowest average. Among other subjects, it has a socio-cultural index.
Discussion: It can be said that in the environmental index, only 19% of the respondents were more than average satisfied with the environmental condition of Rasht city, which has the lowest level of satisfaction among the indicators. In the functional-physical index, 29% were satisfied, 47% in aesthetic index, 41% in economic index and 38% in social-cultural index were satisfied. The highest level of satisfaction related to the aesthetic index is 47%, and it indicates that 47% of the citizens were satisfied with the existing condition of roads and streets, the condition of folk arts in Rasht and attractive spaces for tourists to use. The important economic index is based on sociocultural indicators (with a path coefficient value of 0.678), environmental (with a path coefficient value of 0.624), functional-physical indicators (with a path coefficient value of 0.613) and aesthetic (with the path coefficient value of 0.560) The important socio-cultural index is based on economic indicators (with a path coefficient value of 0.673), environmental (with a path coefficient value of 0.605), functional-physical indicators (with a path coefficient value of 0.599) and aesthetic (with the path coefficient value of 0.577). The functional-physical index has the greatest impact on environmental indicators (with a multiplier value of 0.653), aesthetic (with a multiplier value of 0.613), economic (with a multiplier value of 0.609), socio-cultural indicators, respectively (with a path coefficient value of 0.597). The aesthetic index has the greatest effect on functional-physical indicators (with a path coefficient value of 0.628), environmental (with a path coefficient value of 0.605), socio-cultural (with a path coefficient value of 0.579) and economic indicators, respectively (with the path coefficient value of 0.562). The environmental index has the greatest impact on functional-physical indicators (with a path coefficient value of 0.663), economic (with a path coefficient value of 0.624), socio-cultural (with a path coefficient value of 0.611) and aesthetic indicators, respectively (with the path coefficient value of 0.602).
Considering the fact that the aesthetic, economic and socio-cultural indicators have had a greater impact on the tourism regeneration of Rasht city, it can be said that in the economic indicator, diversity in business and employment, increasing the construction of tourist complexes, creating new markets, holding various exhibitions and improving and renovating historical buildings has had an impact on urban regeneration and has led to the attraction of tourists. The highest average and level of satisfaction of the citizens of Rasht is related to the aesthetic index. All kinds of plans and measures taken toward the reconstruction of tourist places and the beautification of the roads and streets and the improvement of old and historical structures have led to the development of urban tourism and the increase of tourists. In addition, there should be plans in socio-cultural aspects by holding various local and traditional festivals, religious rituals, local ceremonies, local music, and increasing recreational and sports facilities in the city instead of focusing only on physical renovations. To introduce the historical and cultural values ​​of important and valuable places of Rasht city for tourists and to introduce natural and man-made attractions and more interaction of people with city officials to meet the needs of families and organizations and to pay attention to their problems and demands. As a result, sustainable development and urban regeneration will be realized. With the increase of economic, social and cultural facilities, the conditions for the development of tourism elements and urban regeneration are made possible, and urban regeneration projects and plans are provided with general attention to all aspects of the wear and tear of old and worn-out urban tissues and the renovation of tourism facilities and facilities.
Conclusion:  In this research, indicators of regeneration in physical, aesthetic, environmental, economic and socio-cultural dimensions were investigated in Rasht city. By examining the average of each index, it can be concluded that the aesthetic index has the highest average )3( and the environmental index has the lowest average )2.61(. Physical, economic and socio-cultural indicators each have an average of 2.78, 2.88, 2.87. The city of Rasht is in a favorable condition in terms of aesthetic index )the state of the landscapes in the city, urban folk arts and attractive spaces in the city for tourists to use(, but in terms of the environmental index )the quality of surface water collection, the quality of vehicles in the transport fleet and public transport and measures to prevent the change of agricultural land use( are not in a favorable condition.


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