Content analysis of the concept of urban agriculture as a flexible use in the city using a review of the research background

Document Type : Review Article


1 Islamic Azad University, Shahrak Quds Branch, Technical and Engineering Faculty, Tehran, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Urbansim, Shahr-e-Qods Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

3 Technical and Engineering Faculty, Quds City Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.


Introduction: In addition to destroying agricultural land and turning it into residential and industrial areas, urbanization is accompanied by a decrease in the population of people working in the agricultural sector (Wastfelt & Zhang, 2016). Following the development of urbanization and the migration of villagers to cities, a large population settled in cities in search of suitable jobs and an opportunity to be absorbed in the urban economy. These urban populations needed to provide food, and most did not know any other activity or profession except agriculture; therefore, some forms of agriculture A city was formed in the suburbs (Zasada et al., 2011). One of the challenges of urban agriculture is that it is traditionally neglected in urban planning because agriculture is not the norm of urban life (Bazgeer et al., 2019). Removing agricultural land from the use of the city has led to the weakening of economic, social, and ecological sustainability. The environmental costs associated with urban sprawl can be enormous. Therefore, policymakers and city managers must take necessary measures to protect the natural environment of cities (Glaeser, 2013). According to the mentioned cases and the increasing growth of the urban population and related environmental challenges, urban agriculture has been proposed as a flexible use in cities that can help as a sustainable solution to provide sustainable food, strengthen social connections, and improve citizens' quality of life.
Methodology: This article is a review article. Review articles provide a new platform to provide a conceptual framework and the possibility of creating a more general and comprehensive picture of related issues that experts have addressed so far.  The library method has been used to collect information. This research will use the content analysis method to review and analyze relevant texts and documents. Content analysis is a method used to analyze achievements in documents, written documents, or even speech, such as interviews. Among the practical tools that can be used in this research is MAXQDA software. This software analyzes documents using content analysis coding techniques (open, axial, and selective coding). In the first stage, after reading the texts, he extracted the main axes as open coding, which indicates the direction of analysis according to the purpose of the research. In the next stage, coding is done axially. In this part, by reading the texts in the main axes of the research more closely, the sub-axes of each are also extracted. In the last stage, the categories will be classified selectively, and their relationships will be extracted.
Results: Using urban agriculture can cause flexibility in exploitation or functional mixing to provide enough attraction for citizens. Therefore, it is better to know the different types of agriculture in the city, and they are suitable for each urban environment and the prevailing uses of land in the environment. The city chose the right type of agriculture to provide a lively, flexible, and attractive environment for the citizens and improve their quality of life.
Refined codes in different dimensions




Increasing interactions between different groups - participation in social affairs - participation at local levels - participatory gardens - sense of belonging - cultural participation - supporting community agriculture - participation of officials and stakeholders



Training managers and farmers - Training ordinary people - Improving the knowledge of children and teenagers about agriculture - Evaluation of expert forces - Botanical studies - Children's farm - Teaching the process of planting to harvest - Teachings for marketing - Irrigation and pest control methods - Brochures - Mass communication media.



Urban land use management - urban plans - land use program monitoring - multi-purpose management - support - development policies in urban agriculture - urban actors - codified programs - rules in urban agriculture - legal loopholes



Supporting small businesses - economic development - creating employment - reducing maintenance costs - supply and demand efficiency - development factors - job opportunities - new sources of income - marketing and attracting domestic and foreign capital - entrepreneurship - drivers of economic development - empowerment - self-sufficiency - job security - Reduction of urban poverty - livelihood of low-income groups



Tourist attractions - recreational and educational experience - increasing income through tourism - agricultural tourism - advertising - green economy - direct purchase of agricultural products from gardens - agricultural experience in the city - park cultivation - attracting investors - improving the landscape - beautifying the urban environment



Increasing the well-being of residents - Identity - Belonging to the place of life - Security - Proportionate distribution of urban services - Fair access to urban spaces - Fair distribution of food - Access to healthy and low-cost food

Spatial justice


Diversity and balance in urban uses - Diversity in selection - Determining the assignment of empty and wasteland urban land - Diversity with vitality - Functional mixing - Applicability of activities - Evaluation and control of uses - Useful and effective activities - Proportionate distribution of compatibility and desirability of uses - Update User information - balance between components - location of uses - proximity of uses - complementary uses - multifunctional urban agriculture - different types of agriculture - flexibility of urban use

Flexibility of users


Reducing the use of fuel and energy - air and noise pollution - health - improving the quality of the environment - recycling urban runoff - preserving biodiversity - reducing greenhouse gases - environmental effects of uses - environmental health standards - control and cleanliness - increasing green space - water management Urban - thermal insulation agent - natural fertilizers - air conditioning



Providing planning indicators




The level of participation of citizens in the development and expansion of urban agriculture
The degree of participation of city officials with citizens



The extent of citizens' participation in the development of urban agriculture
The degree of participation of city officials with citizens



Investigating the city development system regarding urban agriculture
Existing regulations and legal loopholes



Employment status
Job creation by urban agriculture



Agricultural tourism opportunities
Investment incentives



Distribution of urban farm space
Distribution of vacant spaces and lands suitable for urban agriculture
Access to agricultural inputs and facilities in the city

Spatial justice


Urban land use distribution
Agricultural lands and urban gardens
Agricultural land use changes over the past years
Flexibility of users
Rules and regulations of land use (urban agriculture)
Agricultural species available in the city

Flexibility of users


The weather in the cityPollution
Diversity of vegetation




Main Subjects

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