Facts and Figures

Number of Volumes: 8

Number of Issues: 26

Number of Articles: 189

Number of Contributors: 427

Article View: 238,466

PDF Download: 234,871

View Per Article: 1261.72

PDF Download Per Article: 1242.7

Number of Submissions: 961

Rejected Submissions: 700

Acceptance Rate: 20

Time to Accept (Days): 215

Number of Indexing Databases: 16

Number of Reviewers: 68

Open Access Publish:

Urban Planning Knowledge (UPK) is an open-access journal that publishes original high-quality peer-reviewed papers in all fields of urban planning. It covers all areas of urban design, urban planning, and regional planning. Published articles are available online for free.



:Creative Commons license

Journal of Urban Planning Knowledge is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 international License





The Committee on Publication Ethics:

*This journal respects the rules of ethics in publications, the rules of ethics in publication (COPE) follows the executive regulations of the constitution, and deals with fraud in scientific works.




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Current Issue: Volume 8, Issue 1, March 2024 

Indexing and Abstracting

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