Investigating the Factors Influential on the Urban and Regional Spatial Structure Using the Content Analysis Method

Document Type : Original Article


1 urban and regional Planning PhD Candidate, Department of Urban and Regional Planning, Faculty of Art and Architecture, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran

2 Associate professor, Department of Urban and Regional Planning, Faculty of Art and Architecture, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran


Problem Statement: Investigating the urban and regional spatial structure over the last two decades has undoubtedly been one of the most challenging issues in this field. So far, the most studies have focused on identifying and analyzing the spatial structure and spatial distribution of the population and activity and the comprehensive studies have not been conducted to investigate the factors affecting the urban and regional spatial structure.
Objectives: Therefore, this paper intended to review the scholarly literature on the factors and forces influential on developing and changing the urban and regional spatial structure.
Research Method: The study was conducted through the content analysis method. At the first step, after identifying the study area and the keywords to search for the valid English databases, 66 papers were selected from among the papers published between 1998 and February 2019. At the next step, the summarization of the data and their coding were conducted and finally the effective factors and driving forces were categorized and analyzed.
Results and findings: The results showed that 8 main categories of factors including the demographic changes and social processes, economic processes, infrastructure and equipment, physical and environmental, rules and regulations, globalization and the driving forces in accordance with these factors are influential on the urban and regional spatial structure. The findings revealed that the factors and driving forces influence the spatial structure in a hierarchical form and with different intensities.


The factors and driving forces such as the demographic changes and the socio- economic processes, infrastructure and equipment, physical and environmental, rules and regulations, globalization affect the urban and regional spatial structure.

The factors and driving forces influence spatial structure in ahierarchical form and with different intensities.


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