Assessment of Iranian Islamic and Human Values in the Periods of Transformation of the City from Traditional To Modern Fabric and the Method of Preserving It in the Future Cities

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Urban Planning, Faculty of Architecture and Environmental Design, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran

2 MA Student Of Sustainable Architecture and Landscape Design , Politecnico Di Milano,,Italy


Background: Cities are evolving. Changes in the cities in a way appropriate to time and technology could reinforce or weaken the role of human values in it, so it is important to recognize the transformation and its Islamic and human values. To date, there have been some attempt to typify the developmental trend. However, no attention has been paid to measuring the Islamic identity and the human values in this period.
Objectives: The current research examined whether or not the human values and principles of the Islamic city are fulfilled in the transformation of the cities from the traditional to the modern fabric. The aim was to compare the mentioned trend in Iran and the west. Through studying the principles and indicators of the Islamic city and the human values hidden in it, the importance of each of the indicators in this trend would be followed. Finally, the general strategies for preserving it in the future cities would be mentioned.
Method: Using the reasoning method, and after examining the characteristics of the periods of transformation of the cities and human value indicators in the urban definitions, the Delphi method was used at two rounds. Using Delphi method, the opinion of 10 experts (According to Hogarth's theory, Clayton and many other theorists that offer 5 – 12 experts)) has been taken in relation to the extent to which each of the principles of the human values and the Islamic city has been fulfilled during the transformation periods.
Result and Conclusion: Findings and analysis of the cases derived from the Delphi technique showed that the concepts such as nature-centered, God-centered, community-centered (core community) as well as economical, have been forgotten in Habibi's mentioned transformation trend and in the forgotten later cities, and only some concepts such as the community-centered (global communication) has become bolder. Therefore, in the final part of the paper, considering the opportunities and threats in the process of transformation, we have presented general strategies for promoting the human values and preserving the Islamic Iranian identity in the future cities.


Investigating of historical periods of the city and time and similar features of this period in Iran and West as exemplary

Using Delphi method to integrate Urban metamorphosis cycle with Islamic city principles and finally to study the principles and characteristics of human values and Islamic city in each course and suggestions for preserving these principles in future cities


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